Thats my 2nd bookmark, I made it as a part of a birthday gift for a friend. The Prima Flower is from the new range of flowers they presented at the summer CHA 2009.
Uuuuuh I love the icy colors... dunno why. But at the moment I just could use this range of colors. Thats a "Merry Christmas Card" I made yesterday in the evening.
Today I made some "Thank you Boxes", they are matching to the "Thank you Cards" I made some days ago. (You can find them some posts below.) I filled the boxes with some sweets from "Lindt-Chocolate".
Today a little parcel from Frantic Stamper arrived and I'm really happy with the stuff. Need them for projects for christmas and more stuff will come in the next weeks.
Hach das Cardstock-Päckchen aus Schweden is sooo herrlich farbenfroh - macht gleich gute Laune! Als kleine Gegenleistung für mein gewonnenes Candy von Crafts International, werde ich die Karte dem "Alzheimer Fund Raising" spenden.
The Cardstock from Sweden is soooo colorful - I'll automatically get into a good mood. As a reward for my won candy, I will donate the card for the "Alzheimers Fund Raising".
Hab heute eine kleine Mappe/Karte zum Verschenken von Stempelabdrücken gemacht. Die Tilda Design Stempel sind momentan echt meine Lieblinge *gg*. Da die Seiten gefechert sind, paßt echt ne Menge rein!